
Posts Tagged ‘uncharted’

Unemployment Day 4

February 23, 2010 1 comment

I finished Mass Effect 2. That’s how bummed and bored I am. Did I gain any insight from it? Only that human-alien romantic entanglements are awkward. Aside from that… No, not really. Disappointing, isn’t it? It’s this well-written, uber-hyped game, and it really only seems to cover the same things as Star Trek.

So as to my newly minted “Unemployed” tag, well, I can honestly say it isn’t my fault, and I’ve got the references to prove it. Budget cuts suck! I mean, really, how can the state go in after a budget has already been implemented and take back 5%? Someone, please explain it to me, because I was under the impression that once money isn’t yours, it’s out of your control.

Guess it doesn’t matter anymore, though, does it? Hopefully I’ll be interviewing and getting a job soon.

Anyways, since my income is limited, it looks like I’m going to go back and beat some games I pansied out on. So far I’m planning on:

  • Twilight Princess
  • Uncharted and Uncharted 2
  • Overlord (I love this game, but I keep halting my play every time a new game comes out.)
  • Maybe some Metal Slug just because that game rocks.

I really don’t know what else. When you write for a living, you type really fast, maintain documents and it generally doesn’t take you very long to look for a job because you can write letters like no one’s business.

At any rate, should I start reviewing stuff? I’ve got so little going on right now… Would that be too uber-geek? Am I using uber too much?

This unemployment shiz is teh suck.